Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Ideas Are Scary

From Greg Roche, Vice President at Clean Energy Fuels:
GE runs a great commercial about how ideas are scary; frightening because they threaten what is known; and are the natural born enemy of the way things are. You can watch the commercial here (with thanks to GE). What does this have to do with renewable natural gas trucks? Everything. Imagine switching all 12,000 to 16,000 trucks that operate in the Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach from diesel to renewable natural gas (RNG). Would that be scary to some? Sure. Would that threaten what is known? Yes. Would that replace the way things are? Absolutely. But the upside is what makes this idea beautiful: achieving cost-effective and immediate health and sustainability benefits. In fact, natural gas trucks with Near Zero emissions technology and powered by renewable natural gas reduce harmful air pollutants by over 90% and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by over 70% compared to diesel, making renewable natural gas trucks as clean as a battery electric truck on a complete well-to-wheels comparison. Ideas may be scary, but scary shouldn't be allowed to stop the idea.

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